
Digital Marketing & Media - Navigating the Everchanging Landscape :

Why retail media is the hottest new kid on the digital media block

Why retail media is the hottest new kid on the digital media block

  • March 29, 2023
“Why is your tea tasting different today, Rachna Aunty?”, I asked my maternal aunt innocuously last week during my customary fortnightly visit to her house, “There’s a nice aroma too which I never noticed before. And it’s certainly not your favourite Taj Mahal tea this time – I’m pretty sure about that, Aunty”. Rachna Aunty […]
8 things in digital marketing that’ll move centre stage in 2022

8 things in digital marketing that’ll move centre stage in 2022

  • January 4, 2022
“Why are you digital marketers so obsessed with jargon all the time?” I was asked this question point-blank by a professor of marketing at a panel discussion hosted by a prominent management institute recently. “Mea culpa”, I had accepted the accusation promptly, “I do accept, the digital world is a whole lot baffling. Sometimes, needlessly […]
Life is just FANG for media post-Covid

Life is just FANG for media post-Covid

  • July 29, 2021
I was visiting Uncle Gulani after a couple of years and was keen to know how he dealt with the pandemic. “So, how’s life, Gulani Uncle?” “Life is just FANG now” I thought I misheard him. “Great that life is just fab, Uncle. So, what goes on?” “No, no…life is not fab, it’s just FANG”, […]
Did Covid make you buy a robot?

Did Covid make you buy a robot?

  • December 23, 2020
It was sometime during late April 2020. My brother-in-law Arvinder had made a video call to his sister – that is my wife – and myself. As was common during the early part of the lockdown era, he was lamenting about the oppressive pressures of life imposed on his family due to this phenomenon called […]
7 things digital marketing has changed about classical marketing

7 things digital marketing has changed about classical marketing

  • October 21, 2020
The other day, a casual conversation with some extended family members over a Zoom call led to an interesting observation. I was catching up with Mohit, my older cousin, a thoroughbred marketing professional who has worked for a clutch of blue-chip corporations across India and abroad through his 35-odd years of work life. Also with […]
Ad fraud: The one disease that digital marketers need to avoid

Ad fraud: The one disease that digital marketers need to avoid

  • August 7, 2020
Just like the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic, the one serious malaise that’s been affecting the world of digital marketing in an unending manner is ad frauds. It’s an ailment that’s been all-pervasive, affecting businesses of all kinds – visibly or invisibly, severely pernicious in its impact, yet almost devoid of a permanent and definitive cure till […]